Preferences are for setting defaults for some GrafEq features, behaviour and
appearances. Some advanced features are also only accessible or controlable from
within the preferences window. The preferences window can be opened by selecting
Preferences from the File menu.
Figure 11.1 shows the preferences window as it appears by factory default;
preferences are organized mainly by windows, while a few general preferences for file access
control and interface languages are also provided.
Figure 11.1: The GrafEq preferences window
Before going into details about preferences, following are some general hints
about the effects of preference settings and some general use instructions:
- Most preference settings take effect immediately, but some take full effect only in
subsequent sessions; nevertheless, full preference changes can always be activated
immediately by quitting and restarting GrafEq.
- Default means that the settings apply to all appropriate cases,
across sessions, and every time GrafEq is started.
Default settings can be changed ‘on the fly’, while GrafEq is running, but the changes
will apply only to individual graphs or windows, and will
not affect the defaults; the next time GrafEq is started, default settings
would be back in effect.
- Checking an option’s checkbox activates the option;
clicking on a checkbox or the checkbox’s name toggles between its
checked and unchecked states.
- Clicking on a pop-up menu brings up a pop-up list or table,
so the desired option can be selected from it.
- Some preference controls are offered in lists, as in the Ticks
Defaults preferences.
Lists have the following general properties:
- Lists can be toggled between an expanded and a collapsed state, by
clicking on the name of the list, or
on the triangular arrow adjacent to it.
- Expanded lists reveal the respective list elements and/or sub-lists.
List elements revealed can then be customized individually; and sub-lists can
then be further expanded, or collapsed.
The same rules that apply to lists also apply to sub-lists.
- Some lists also come with checkboxes adjacent to their
respective triangular arrows.
(Most lists in the Ticks Defaults preferences have them.)
The list box can be checked or unchecked to
conveniently, and collectively, select or deselect all
element options covered by the list.
A list which has selected as well as unselected elements
displays a horizontal bar in its checkbox.
Windows Preferences
Windows are listed in alphabetical order of window names, as seen in figure 11.1 earlier.
Algebraic Window Preferences
Hint: | Algebraic window preferences also control the custom ticks window settings. | |
Controls cover the clipboard, easy buttons, display fields, and the teleprompter.
Figure 11.2 shows algebraic window preferences:
Figure 11.2: Algebraic window preferences
- Algebraic Window - Clipboard
Clipboard Preferences are for setting appearances and
formats to be used when exporting from GrafEq’s algebraic windows
to the clipboard. Figure 11.3 shows clipboard preferences:
Figure 11.3: Algebraic window clipboard preferences
- Add padding space around equation checkbox
Select this option to place a small amount of
white space around relations copied to the clipboard.
Has no effect when copying relations as text.
- Resolution: pop-up menu
Select the resolution to use for relations copied as drawings
and images. With images, higher resolutions will create clearer output but
will also use more memory. With drawings, higher resolutions will allow
for more precise placement of the elements making up the relation.
- Encapsulate in Rich Text Format (RTF) checkbox
Select this option to format relations with RTF. RTF formatting
can help word processors position relations vertically.
Has no effect when copying relations as text.
- Algebraic Window - Easy Buttons
Easy buttons preferences are for setting defaults to show, or not show,
the easy button floating window; and setting access to each easy button group.
Figure 11.4 shows easy buttons preferences:
Figure 11.4: Algebraic window easy buttons preferences
- Show easy buttons checkbox
Select the option to show the easy button floating window
every time GrafEq starts up.
After startup, display of the easy button floating window is controlled
by accessing GrafEq’s Relation menu or Custom Ticks menu,
from which Easy Buttons can be toggled between the selected state
(to show the window), and the de-selected state (to hide the window).
- Access list
- Expand on Startup checkbox and Available checkbox for each easy button group
Select the respective Available checkboxes to
display the headings of desired easy button groups;
to expand any selected groups (display the individual easy buttons
under the headings),
select also the respective Expand on Startup checkboxes.
Tip: | While Available options are only accessible from the
preferences window,
expand, or collapse, under each group heading can also be conveniently
toggled from within the easy button floating window.
| |
- Algebraic Window - Formatted Display
Formatted display preferences are for setting font type, default font size, and
appearances of entries in the algebraic window’s
constraint field(s).
Figure 11.5 shows formatted display preferences:
Figure 11.5: Algebraic window formatted display preferences
- Defaults list
- On startup, warn user if proper fonts are not available checkbox
Select this option to warn user every time GrafEq starts up if
proper fonts are not available.
- Precise character layout checkbox
- Display implicit multiplications checkbox
- Default font size... pop-up menu, with up and down arrow buttons
The up arrow button is for stepwise size increment;
the down arrow button, stepwise size decrement.
- Fonts option list
Tip: |
- Symbol character kinds, for both formatted and
unformatted sections, should use symbol font only.
- Experiment with the various options and see the effects.
| |
- Algebraic Window - Keystroke Display
Hint: | As of GrafEq version 2.04, keystroke information is available directly from
the constraint field, by positioning the cursor to the left of the entries.
The keystroke field remains useful for printing purposes, but
has been set to be hidden by default preference settings. | |
Keystroke display preferences is for setting to show, or not show the keystroke field
(which would be a strip field beneath the current constraint field),
and setting font type, and appearances of entries in the
keystroke field. Figure 11.6 shows keystroke display preferences:
Figure 11.6: Algebraic window keystroke display preferences
- Show keystroke line checkbox
Select this option to show the keystroke line
when a constraint is being entered or edited.
- Fonts option list
Fonts options are essentially identical to those for the formatted display,
except that these options apply to entries to the keystroke display field.
- Algebraic Window - Teleprompter
The teleprompter preference is for toggling to show, or not show the
teleprompter (which would be the user hint shown at the bottom of an active
constraint field). There is just one preference option, provided
by the Show teleprompter checkbox.
Figure 11.7 shows the teleprompter preference:
Figure 11.7: Algebraic window teleprompter preferences
Create View Window Preferences
Create view window preferences are for setting default options covering automatic graphing,
colour view and view size, and interface options covering user access to these
create view settings and controls.
Figure 11.8 shows create view window preferences:
Figure 11.8: Create View Window preferences
- Defaults list:
- Start graphing immediately checkbox
Select this option for automatic graphing when a new view is opened.
De-select this option and graphing in a view window has to be activated by
selecting the Graph checkbox in the view window’s parameter bar.
- Display views in colour, if possible checkbox
De-select this option to display graph views in black and white, which
might be desired such as in printing.
- View size:... pop-up menu
Selectable view sizes are relative to the monitor size.
- Perturb bounds checkbox
Select this option to enlarge bounds by about
0.01% of the view size every time a new view created, so that
graphed lines will always have uniform thickness
(because lines like x=0 will fall upon a column or
row of pixels rather than in between two columns or rows).
Hint: | Defaults apply to all create view windows.
Settings for individual create view windows can be changed
from within that create view window
if either of the interface options, described in the following section, are selected.
| |
- Interface options list:
- Provide "More/Fewer Options..." button checkbox
Select this option to provide a "More/Fewer Options..." button at the bottom
center of each create view window. The button
allows view creation options to be displayed or hidden anytime from
within the create view window. Displayed options can then be
customized for the current view creation.
Hint: | When create view options are hidden, the button would be
labelled More Options and is for revealing the options;
When create view options are shown, the button would be
labelled Fewer Options and is for simplifying or minimizing
the create view window. | |
- Show view creation options checkbox
Select this option to show the individual create view options.
Hint: | The setting of this option solely determines the accessibility of
view creation options if the "More/Fewer Options..." button is
not provided within the create view window. | |
Custom Ticks Window Preferences
Custom Ticks Window uses the same preference settings as the algebraic window.
Memory Monitor Window Preferences
Memory monitor preferences are for setting defaults to show, or not show,
the memory monitor.
Figure 11.9 shows memory monitor window preferences:
Figure 11.9: Memory monitor window preferences
- Show memory monitor on startup checkbox
Select this option to have the memory monitor opened automatically when GrafEq starts.
The memory monitor can always
be brought up while GrafEq is running by selecting
Memory Monitor from the help menu.
Page Window Preferences
Page window preferences are for setting the frequency at which page window contents
are to be updated from any graph views, and setting font size for the page window to suit
printing needs. Figure 11.10 shows page window preferences:
Figure 11.10: Page window preferences
- Updates preference is provided
by the Update from view window every... time interval pop-up menu.
- Decoration preference is provided by the default font size pop-up menu.
Tip: | The page window might flash when it is updated; the advantage of showing
current contents should be weighted against possible flashing of the display. | |
Preferences Window Preferences
Preferences window preferences are for controlling access to preferences settings, and
saving of preference changes.
Figure 11.11 shows preferences window preferences:
Figure 11.11: Preferences window preferences
- Password must be entered to access preferences checkbox
Select this option to restrict any access to the preferences window and settings.
- Password must be entered to save preferences checkbox
Select this option to restrict changes to the preferences file;
if the preferences window is accessible, preferences can be changed for
the current GrafEq session, but saving of the changes is restricted by password.
Hint: | The same password will be used for restricting access to preference settings and
saving, as well as access to file loading and saving. A user specific password
is supplied with registration. | |
Structural Window Preference
The structural window preference is for setting defaults to
present commutative relations either as processed flat tree structures, or
as original/unprocessed full-blown trees.
The control is provided by the Combine commutative checkbox.
Figure 11.12 shows structural window preference:
Figure 11.12: Structural window preference
Title Window Preference
Title window displays the GrafEq version logo in an attractive splash screen.
One prefer control is offered for the title window,
by the Minimum number of available colours to justify using colour...
number pop-up menu.
Figure 11.13 shows title window preference:
Figure 11.13: Title window preferences
View Window Preferences
Controls cover the clipboard, view colours, information, ticks, view and zoom.
Figure 11.14 shows view window preferences:
Figure 11.14: View window preferences
- View Window - Colours
Colours preferences are for setting default appearances, and
colours and patterns for graph views.
Figure 11.15 shows colour preferences:
Figure 11.15: View window colours preferences
- Blend layers checkbox
Select this option to blend relation colours in any intersecting regions
when a graph displays multiple relations.
De-select this option to have the colours or patterns of the
relations pile up in opaque layers.
- Colours list:
- Background colour pop-up menu
- Layer colours pop-up menus
The default colours of the first 15 relations can be specified in
these 15 Layer colours pop-up menus.
A combination or light coloured background and dark coloured relations, or
vice versa, generally enhances readability.
- Patterns list:
- Background colour pop-up menu
The default background colour can be either white or black.
White background generally enhances readability.
- Layer patterns pop-up menus
The default patterns of the first 15 relations can be specified in
these 15 Layer patterns pop-up menus.
- View Window - Information
Information preferences are for setting updating frequency, and optional
displayed data items for the view window’s information view buddy.
Figure 11.16 shows information preferences:
Figure 11.16: View window information preferences
- Updates - Update info every... time interval pop-up menu
Select a rate just frequent enough to display reasonably timely information,
because fast changing data can be hard to read.
GrafEq constantly monitors memory conditions anyway.
- Displayed Data list:
- Region count checkbox
- Memory usage checkbox
- Equation Evaluation Rate checkbox
- Total Equation Evaluations checkbox
- CPU time checkbox
- Real time checkbox
- Dimensionality checkbox
- Show work areas checkbox
- Work area colours colour pop-up menus
- Pixel size checkbox
All the data options are selected by default preferences.
Refer to the View Buddy Floating Window chapter for detailed meaning and useful application of
information buddy’s displayed data.
- View Window - Ticks
Ticks preferences are for setting when to show created ticks, and setting optional
default components and default appearances of ticks in graph views.
Figure 11.17 shows information preferences:
Figure 11.17: View window ticks preferences
- Creation preference is for setting when to show newly created ticks in
graph views. Displaying immediately might be convenient;
displaying later might speed up graphing. The preference is provided by:
- After creating a new view, display ticks... time pop-up menu, and
- or... state pop-up menu.
- Defaults preferences are for setting
default components and appearances of ticks in graph views. The option
interfaces are essentially identical to those in the Ticks view buddy,
except that preferences are for setting defaults while view buddy controls
affects the current GrafEq session only.
Refer to the View Buddy Floating Window chapter for details of the controls.
- View Window - Calculations
View preference is for setting arithmetic rounding rules. One preference options is
offered, by the
Calculations - Perform arithmetic with outward rounding checkbox.
Figure 11.18 shows the view calculation preference:
Figure 11.18: View arithmetic preferences
- View Window - Zoom
The Zoom preference is for setting defaults to keep or replace
the original view on zooming. One preference option is offered, by the
Keep the old view after zooming checkbox.
Figure 11.19 shows the zoom preference:
Figure 11.19: Zoom preferences
Files Preferences
Figure 11.20: Files preferences
Files preferences are for controlling access to file loading and saving/changing, by the
Password required for opening files checkbox and
Password required for saving files checkbox.
Hint: | The same password will be used for controlling access to preference settings and
saving, as well as access to file loading and saving. A user specific password
is supplied with registration. | |
Language Preference
Figure 11.21: Language preferences
The language preferences allow you to select which language is used for GrafEq’s interface.
The preferences window is for changing settings that apply every time GrafEq is started.
Many of these settings can be changed when GrafEq is running, but the changes
will apply only to individual graphs or windows and will
not affect the defaults.