Chapter 11. Preferences

Preferences are for setting defaults for some GrafEq features, behaviour and appearances. Some advanced features are also only accessible or controlable from within the preferences window. The preferences window can be opened by selecting Preferences from the File menu.

Figure 11.1 shows the preferences window as it appears by factory default; preferences are organized mainly by windows, while a few general preferences for file access control and interface languages are also provided.

The GrafEq Preferences Window
Figure 11.1: The GrafEq preferences window

Before going into details about preferences, following are some general hints about the effects of preference settings and some general use instructions:

Windows Preferences
Windows are listed in alphabetical order of window names, as seen in figure 11.1 earlier.

Algebraic Window Preferences
Hint:Algebraic window preferences also control the custom ticks window settings.
Controls cover the clipboard, easy buttons, display fields, and the teleprompter. Figure 11.2 shows algebraic window preferences:

Algebraic Window Preferences
Figure 11.2: Algebraic window preferences

Create View Window Preferences
Create view window preferences are for setting default options covering automatic graphing, colour view and view size, and interface options covering user access to these create view settings and controls. Figure 11.8 shows create view window preferences:

Create View Window Preferences
Figure 11.8: Create View Window preferences

Custom Ticks Window Preferences
Custom Ticks Window uses the same preference settings as the algebraic window.

Memory Monitor Window Preferences
Memory monitor preferences are for setting defaults to show, or not show, the memory monitor. Figure 11.9 shows memory monitor window preferences:

Memory Monitor Window Preferences
Figure 11.9: Memory monitor window preferences

Page Window Preferences
Page window preferences are for setting the frequency at which page window contents are to be updated from any graph views, and setting font size for the page window to suit printing needs. Figure 11.10 shows page window preferences:

Page Window Preferences
Figure 11.10: Page window preferences

Tip:The page window might flash when it is updated; the advantage of showing current contents should be weighted against possible flashing of the display.

Preferences Window Preferences
Preferences window preferences are for controlling access to preferences settings, and saving of preference changes. Figure 11.11 shows preferences window preferences:

Preferences Window Preferences
Figure 11.11: Preferences window preferences

Hint:The same password will be used for restricting access to preference settings and saving, as well as access to file loading and saving. A user specific password is supplied with registration.

Structural Window Preference
The structural window preference is for setting defaults to present commutative relations either as processed flat tree structures, or as original/unprocessed full-blown trees. The control is provided by the Combine commutative checkbox. Figure 11.12 shows structural window preference:

Structural Window Preference
Figure 11.12: Structural window preference

Title Window Preference
Title window displays the GrafEq version logo in an attractive splash screen. One prefer control is offered for the title window, by the Minimum number of available colours to justify using colour... number pop-up menu. Figure 11.13 shows title window preference:

Title Window Preferences
Figure 11.13: Title window preferences

View Window Preferences
Controls cover the clipboard, view colours, information, ticks, view and zoom. Figure 11.14 shows view window preferences:

View Window Preferences
Figure 11.14: View window preferences

Files Preferences

Files preferences
Figure 11.20: Files preferences

Files preferences are for controlling access to file loading and saving/changing, by the Password required for opening files checkbox and Password required for saving files checkbox.
Hint:The same password will be used for controlling access to preference settings and saving, as well as access to file loading and saving. A user specific password is supplied with registration.

Language Preference

Language preferences
Figure 11.21: Language preferences

The language preferences allow you to select which language is used for GrafEq’s interface.

The preferences window is for changing settings that apply every time GrafEq is started. Many of these settings can be changed when GrafEq is running, but the changes will apply only to individual graphs or windows and will not affect the defaults.

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